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DUSA WOMEN | Hila Segal

I grew up in a small town in Israel, Beit Nehemiah

I currently live in Soham, Israel

I make a living from Graphic & Web design.

I am passionate about Design, Mind and spirit

My astrological sign is Virgo.

Current Mantra: Be patient and attentive to your personal journey, only this should interest you.


Briefly describe your childhood – the city you grew up in, hobbies? 

I arrived to Beit Nehemiah from the big city, and it took me exactly one week to get used to the quiet. I learned that in every corner you can connect to nature. We even had a place near a friends house, we called “Paradise”, and we would arrange to meet there all the time. I was a dreamy and imaginative girl who mostly deals with infatuations and the meanings of life. I combined most of my thoughts in small, funny diaries. Just recently I found them and it is the sweetest memory I have from childhood… funny, painful, surprising and the most dramatic there is ( still adolescence).

When did you first discover your creative or artistic spirit?

In elementary school, I was in art class and felt a strong connection.

When I look at your work, I am immediately overcome with awe and admiration. You have a unique point of view for minimalism & clean aesthetics. Was it always an important issue in your life? Or did you develop it in the last years? 

This is totally my approach in life. It really manifests itself in everything I do. For the most part I really like it, because I really think there is something healing and balancing about it, so meditative in certain things. Cleanliness and aesthetics are especially important to me in spaces where I spend most of the day, such as the house and office, and in the small things it can be expressed even in the glass I choose to drink my coffee in 🙂
So like I said, for the most part it’s amazing but sometimes you also need to know how to let go – balance is the key.

It is noticeable that you have a great love for handcrafted products and unique photography projects, these days, that everyone is used to have it all and immediately, how do you find yourself making these slow movements?

It is hard sometimes to do not run. I keep putting pressure on myself, but I think it is all about self-love. We need to finally understand that our worth does not depend on our productivity, and less destructive stress would only make our life healthier and happier. Unfortunately, society and parents put in our minds that we must be faster and stronger. But I believe, we just need to understand our own rhythms, cycles and respect our nature. If someone is naturally fast, it is great. If the other one, like me, is naturally slow, it’s also good! 

Halo design logo for creativitypositivity

Name one thing, upcoming, that you are excited for, personally or professionally?

In addition to my work in graphic design, I am planning the design of our first house ( with my husband).  It is very exciting to me! I believe that home design and planning has a direct impact on emotions, thoughts and mood. It is very important to me that our home is a space where we find peace, warmth and peace, and of course everyone who stays with us will feel the same way.

Hila Segal is a graphic designer based in Israel.  she is wearing her custom made logo signet ring, two dainty Bezel set diamond bands & Celine wedding band

Photos were taken by Hila and me.

Hila’s website: halodesign.co.il

Instagram: @_Halodesign_