I grew up in Israel/USA
I currently live in London
I make a living by Social media, fashion business consultancy
I am passionate about Fashion, Sustainability and Neutral colors
My astrological sign is Libra.
Current Mantra: You don’t have to follow the latest trend to be fashionable, adapt with fashion and with the times, but have your personal style stay the main trend

Briefly describe your childhood – the city you grew up in, hobbies?
I was lucky enough to grow up in different countries and see and learn about different cultures from a young age. I lived in Moscow, New Jersey and Israel and I think it’s one of the things that made me want to study and live abroad. I always loved fashion and beauty and grew up in a household that loved fashion. Both my mom and dad have a background in fashion.
When did you first discover your creative or artistic spirit?
I think I was always a creative thinker more than a creative “artsy” person. My dream was politics and not fashion. But somewhere in my teenage years, there was something in me that told me to find something more creative. That’s when is started my blog and started writing about my style. People liked it. I continued. I loved it. It was this kind of process.

When I look at your work, I am immediately overcome with a warm feeling of admiration. You have a unique point of view for the simplicity of life. Was it always an important issue in your life? Or did you develop it in the last years?
THANK YOU! I think I was always with the thought that simple is always better, but It’s definitely something that has developed to be more over the years. I like not having to think too much on what to wear and what goes well with what. I like things simple and “capsule wardrobe” like. When it comes to the photos I take, I like settings that give me a calming sense, and that’s what I like to see when I’m online. I like to spread calmness is a world of chaos, if that makes sense.
It is noticeable that you have a great love for minimalist, clean design, and unique fashion style, with earthy and calm tone. In these days, that everyone is used to have it all and immediately, how do you find yourself making these slow movements?
I think educating myself was the first step to my approach. I’m not perfect and I do sin here and there and buy fast fashion, I’m no saint. But I definitely try my best. I try that the clothes I buy, even if they are from high street stores (Zara, h&m etc.) will be items that will last me a long time, and will add a great value to my wardrobe. I don’t buy into trends, and I do invest in items worth investing in. My biggest change I think was buying from smaller designers and stores who have made a commitment to sustainability and use sustainable fabrics. I think that more important than using sustainable fabrics for me is the sustainable practices and human rights issues in brands. It’s the first thing I think about when I shop from a brand.

Name one thing, upcoming, that you are excited for, personally or professionally?
I’m finishing my university degree this year! Super excited about that, and and what the future holds for me.

Noa is the owner of ‘Noa Blog’ for Social media, fashion business consultancy, based in London. she is wearing her 14k gold Bubble ring
Photos were taken by Noa/ Hadas Cohen.
Noa’s website: https://simplynrt.com
Instagram: @simplynrt